This blog used to be the reactions of a reader of the conservative Catholic journal First Things to the many fine articles to be found therein. Now it's just another minor blog of staircase wit, from just another minor blogger who doesn't realize that blogging is dead. About the only notable thing about me is that I am a Christian conservative who loathes creationism in all its forms. Enjoy your visit.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Marriage is better than un-marriage
Why is it better to bring a child into a family with married parents than with unmarried? Because co-habitating couples are bound by nothing more than their present feelings, which only the extremely young or terminally adolescent imagine will never change. A vague disquiet of inpermanence and insubstantiality attends childhoods in such homes. But the best marriages, even in the present degraded era, have two sentries to guard them. They are Duty and Affection: two, so that if one goes AWOL, the other stands watch.