Tuesday, June 27, 2006

David Brin On Intelligent Design

SF writer David Brin skewers Intelligent Design in this reductio ad absurdum piece in The Skeptic.

I doubt that the promoters of Intelligent Design really want to see a day come when every biology teacher says: “Okay, you’ve heard from Darwin. Now we’ll spend a week on each of the following: intelligent design, guided evolution, intelligent design of intelligent designers, evolution of intelligent designers, the Hindu cycle of karma, the Mayan yuga cycle, panspermia, the Universe as a simulation…” and so on.

1 comment:

  1. David Brin was voted the most popular SF writer of the 80's, an inspiration for today's crusading army of captain planeteers.

    He wrote a very popular and provocative SF novel ("Earth," I think) about man's primary role as animal caretaker (as he says the Bible says, since Adam's first task is to name the animals (ignoring over 60 chapters of instructions that follow on growing relationships between men/women of good will grounded in their individual growing relationship with G_d, the duty to move on and up from the womb, playpen, parent's home)).

    The book culminates in a battle between two superpowered women ("good," the wise mortal mother earth vs. "evil," the mean woman who tries to thwart mother earth's noble ambitions), both using computers to manipulate the physical world. They end up destroying planet Earth (yes, "she" is murdered by her "children" again) - but not before mortal "mother earth" magically transports her chosen "noah" and an assortment of animals to the moon in a large, sealed pyramid.

    (The End. No thinking expected beyond that point.)

    See, it's simple. Daddy is gone. Mom is god. Her children worship and serve her, if she fulfills their desires.


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