...which, according to San Francisco blogger zombie, will never come except from us bloggers. So let me join in a round of cheers for our troops, who for all intents and effects have won the war in Iraq. Even if he's mistaken, the troops richly deserve a round of applause, after all they've gone through and accomplished. Zombie proposes Saturday November 22nd as VI Day. I don't know why he picked the 45th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, but I'll go along with him. Mark your calendar, and watch his blog for a roundup of celebrations.
There's no question, people are war-weary; as the last two elections showed. But they still respect and admire the troops. Whenever I go to the Atlanta airport and there are soldiers disembarking, an eruption of applause comes up from the crowds. And this has been true from 2002 until now.
So yes, here's hoping the war is over, and here's my handful of virtual confetti, celebrating and honoring the troops for their sacrifice and hard work. Congratulations guys: we succeeded because we sent our very best.