I will keep LGF in my blogroll over there, because it is still one of the best forums out there for conservatives and liberals to meet & interact on even terms. Not being willing to overstate my significance in the grand scheme of things, I would have to say that this is still true even with my absence.
I won't be showing up on any quote-unquote stalker blogs, in case anyone's interested. Which is not at all the same thing as avoiding ex-LGFers, since there are so, so many of them out there.
So, to all lizardoids, fair winds and following seas.

Addendum: Looking more closely, it seems that Charles was unaware until now that I had been posting at PW, and that that by itself would have been the deal-breaker. Kind of strange, since I never hid my comings and goings, posting everywhere under my own nic, and have stuck to pretty much the same political sites for the better part of ten years. So, it looks like the law of averages caught up to me.
I still stand by the rest of this post, though. YMMV.