Thursday, August 05, 2010

Anne Rice renounces Christianity, again

Some friendly soul ought to have whispered in Anne Rice's ear these wise words of Frederick Buechner:

"The visible church is all the people who get together from time to time in God's name. Anybody can find out who they are by going to look. The invisibile church is all the people God uses for his hands and feet in this world. Nobody can find out who they are except God. Think of them as two circles. The optimist says they are concentric. The cynic says they don't even touch. The realist says they occasionally overlap."

The store clerk could get her work done faster if it wasn't for all the pesky customers. The manager could make human resources work like a dream if it wasn't for all the pesky employees. And Anne Rice could commune with the Church if it just wasn't for all the abrasive fellow Christians.