Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ann Coulter is not fit for polite company anymore

Clicking around the blogs, I see that the leftosphere is exercised, because the Right is insufficiently outraged at Ann Coulter calling John Edwards a rude name. Okay, let me restore their faith in conservative humanity. Me being a conservative and a quotehound, I'm predisposed to be attracted to Coulter and her extra-wicked zingers. Have a sample:

If liberal propaganda didn't work, it would be impossible to comprehend bimbo starlets and uneducated slobs attacking the intelligence of the man who won the Cold War.

Here the country had finally given liberals a war against fundamentalism and they didn't want to fight it. They would have, except it would put them on the same side as the United States. ... Indeed, an attack on America by fanatical Muslims had finally provided liberals with a religion they could respect. Heretofore liberals deemed voluntary student prayers at high school football games a direct assault on the Constitution. But it was of urgent importance that Islamic terrorists being held in Guantanamo be free to practice their religion. This despite the fact that we had been repeatedly instructed that the terrorists were not practicing "true Islam."

Good stuff, yes? However, quite some time ago, it became apparent that Coulter was no pundit, certainly no thinker, but instead a barb tosser. An amazingly gifted barb tosser, but no more than that. And in recent years, she's been slipping. She's never been one to let facts or tact get in the way of a good punchline. But her gibe at the 9/11 widows and now this insult to Sen. John Edwards shows that, not only is she bereft of the common decencies, but that she might be running low on talent, too. When the fan dancer runs out of titillating moves, the next move is to quit or drop trou. So too, Coulter is now substituting simple abuse for wit.

A little background for liberal visitors. Ann Coulter used to contribute to National Review Online. She was dropped after 9/11 over a piece she wrote on that event. She moved on to David Horowitz's FrontPageMag, who disavowed her book Treason. Now many prominent right-wing bloggers--and, uh, me--are denouncing her current outrage. Doesn't sound like an echo chamber over on this side, now does it?

Now see what you can do about lefty bloggers and pundits wishing the vice-President to have been killed in Afghanistan. Fair's fair.