Here's an interview with philosopher Daniel Dennett in Der Spiegel. This is the same Daniel Dennett whom the First Things editors Jody Bottum and Richard John Neuhaus have been inveighing against. This is the first thing I've read by him, and he does seem to be quite the reductionist. He's spot-on about the self-contradictory claims of Intelligent Design, though. How can they accept the idea of DNA while rejecting evolution? Oh, that's right--the X factor in all ID hypothesizing is "...then a miracle happens."
Update: For some reason, I'm getting a lot of visits from people surfing in by way of searches for this Spiegel interview. Funny thing is, the search term is not "Dennett" or anything, but is instead the full address of the online interview. Strange...
Anyway, welcome; and I hope you find your visit worthwhile.