Friday, April 28, 2006

It's Not What's On Your Head, It's What In It That Counts

General Issue Punk

The One And Only Dali

It's juxtapositions like this that make me agree with P. J. O'Rourke: The more violently someone vandalizes his appearance, the greater confirmation it is that there is nothing interesting about that person. Salvador Dali did survive into the rock era, but even then, posing with Alice Cooper & such, you could tell he was thinking, "Don't try to out-weird me, you clown. I get weirder things than you in my breakfast cereal."

Carl Van Vechten photo of Dali via Terry Teachout.
Post inspired by the constant sight of over-pierced, pink-haired tatterdemallions who drift from the exurbs into Little Five Points, and mistake each other for urban hipsters.