Time to bulk up the blogroll. Once again, these are not all of my favorites, because I myself do not use my blogroll for my own navigation, most of the time. I don't want to build one of those eye-glazing lists that no one reads carefully. So here they are; hover your cursor over the blogroll for more information:
About Last Night -- The blog of drama critic, biographer, and compulsive scribbler Terry Teachout.
Arts & Letters Daily -- The web's premier portal for middle-brow opinion journal articles.
Chicago Boyz -- Insert Windy City jape here.
Islam The Religion of Peace -- The distasteful truth, in distasteful daily doses.
Patanjali -- Of all the personal reflections type blogs out there, I don't know why this occasional one sticks out (other than he was one of my first commenters). Give him some encouragement (rhymes with traffic), and he might be inspired to develop this blog more fully.
Samizdata -- Chronicling the conquest of Britain by the Safety Nazis.
Sci-Tech Daily -- Same as Arts & Letters Daily, only drawn from the popular science magazines.
The Cafeteria is Closed -- Catholic orthodoxy, without a twist.
The Panda's Thumb -- The best popularized evolution blogging on the net. Indispensable this past year, especially, in beating back creationism's latest assaults on the schools.
Give 'em a try!