Saturday, March 25, 2006

Abdul Rahman Case Nearing Happy Ending?

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is reported to be intervening in the case of the Christian convert under sentence of death.

As I write, there are about 1200 links to news stories about Rahman in Google's news aggregator. I'm very glad to see this story getting the front burner treatment, and I hope Mr. Rahman is freed.

This reminded me of the case of an Iranian Christian, Rev. Mehdi Dibaj, from about ten years ago. He was imprisoned by the mullahs, released, and then murdered by persons unknown. The Armenian priest who brought international publicity to his case was also mysteriously killed. Here's a link, and an excerpt from his statement to the Islamic court during his trial for apostasy:

They say "You were a Muslim and you have become a Christian." This is not so. For many years I had no religion. After searching and studying I accepted God's call and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to receive eternal life. People choose their religion but a Christian is chosen by Christ. He says, "You have not chosen me but I have chosen you." Since when did He choose me? He chose me before the foundation of the world. People say, "You were a Muslim from your birth." God says, "You were a Christian from the beginning." He states that He chose us thousands of years ago, even before the creation of the universe, so that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we may be His. A Christian means one who belongs to Jesus Christ.
They tell me, "Return!" But to whom can I return from the arms of my God? Is it right to accept what people are saying instead of obeying the Word of God? It is now 45 years that I am walking with the God of miracles, and His kindness upon me is like a shadow and I owe Him much for His fatherly love and concern.

The love of Jesus has filled all my being and I feel the warmth of His love in every part of my body. God, who is my glory and honor and protector, has put his seal of approval upon me through His unsparing blessings and miracles.

This test of faith is a clear example. The good and kind God reproves and punishes all those whom He loves. He tests them in preparation for heaven. The God of Daniel, who protected his friends in the fiery furnace, has protected me for nine years in prison. And all the bad happenings have turned out for our good and gain, so much so that I am filled to overflowing with joy and thankfulness.