Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Vatican Scientist to Lead Dialogue on Intelligent Design

The Rev. George V. Coyne, S.J., director of the Vatican Observatory, will present The Dance of the Fertile Universe: Science Does Not Need God. Or Does It? on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m. in the Duquesne Union Ballroom. Co-sponsored by the Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences and the McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts, this dialogue on Intelligent Design is free and open to the public.
Among the goals of hosting Coyne’s lecture are to provide awareness and clarification of the issues surrounding Intelligent Design and evolution.

“We want to convey that acceptance of Darwinian evolution and belief in God are not mutually exclusive,” said Dr. Dave Seybert, dean of BSNES. “We want people to understand what Intelligent Design is, the fact that it is really not science and that it really doesn’t belong in science curricula in private and public schools. It certainly does not exist as a scientific alternative to Darwinian evolution—it is inherently a religious or theological issue.”

Good for them!