Monday, December 12, 2005

Cobb evolution stickers case goes back to federal court.

From WSB-TV:

ATLANTA -- The federal appeals court in Atlanta will hear arguments this week on whether stickers proclaiming evolution is "a theory, not a fact" violated the First Amendment.

Last spring school staffers and students followed a judge's order to scrape the stickers off almost 35,000 Cobb County schoolbooks. Now a ruling from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals could fuel arguments from supporters and opponents of intelligent design around the country.

The Cobb school district decided to affix the stickers when it realized that some biology textbooks would violate the district's evolution policy.

But in January, a federal judge ordered that the stickers be removed because they were an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.

In his appeal, Cobb school board attorney Linwood Gunn argued the sticker's language is neutral and makes no mention of religion.

If anyone in the area is reading this and planning to attend these proceedings, please contact me. The radio said that it would be this coming Thursday. I would dearly love to go blog it, but will probably not be able to leave work to do so.

If you're surfing in from Technorati and notice that this is a conservative Christian website, fear not. I despise creationism, as I've posted before, here and here.

UPDATE: Thanks to The Commissar for linking me, and welcome to his readers. Technorati wouldn't accept my ping yesterday, for some reason .