Friday, August 25, 2006

If Evolutionists Are Atheists, Are Anti-Evolutionists Nazis?

At the moment, I'm reading Anthony Beevor's A Writer At War: Vasily Grossman with the Red Army, 1941-1945. I hope to write a review of it, for my sadly neglected Amazon page soon.

Anyway, the book is a collection of excerpts of Soviet war correspondent Grossman's notebooks. In one passage, he is describing the scene in a Kalmyk village that had been liberated by the advancing Red Army. He notes all the changes that the Germans had introduced into the school curriculum. Including this:

Natural science: the last chapter, 'On the Origins of Humans', was banned.

So, if Ann Coulter can call all believers in evolution liberal atheists, could some similarly wrongheaded liberals call all conservative believers in Intelligent Design Nazis, based on that? Of course they could. Of course they do, in fact, without ever having read that above passage. (Longtime readers of this blog know that I am a vigorous foe of creationism in all its forms.) There's always an excuse handy to question an opponent's humanity, these days. Sad to say...