Friday, August 04, 2006

"Lieberman's long, long list of accomplishments..."

An endorsement of the embattled Senator from a home state newspaper.

The bottom line is that Joe Lieberman, who is an expert on foreign policy and the Middle East, feels any withdrawal of troops that looks like a lack of will or staying power will embolden our enemies in a way that would be "disastrous" for the U.S. and our allies. For the senator, leaving "with the mission accomplished" is the only way to ensure a path to lasting peace. Who among us actually has the knowledge to declare that he is wrong?

The Iraq debate aside, Joe Lieberman is a senator who has accomplished tremendous good on almost every issue of importance-from civil and human rights to jobs, health care, the environment, education funding, defense spending and homeland security. He votes with Democrats 90 percent of the time, and when he does not it's because he feels his constituents would be better served.
Stand by Joe Lieberman. Our state, and the nation, need his leadership in the Senate.