...another snarky faux-glossary, with a British focus, cherry-picked from here.
Best practice - normally 'established' when a Lefty wants to saddle a process with more complexity. Replaces 'working it out yourself'.
Class - grouping people by the contents of their wallet rather than, say, how they think, feel or behave as individuals.
Delegitimise - what we do if we suggest that a favoured Lefty client group may contain members who are not wholly beyond criticism as individuals.
‘Green’ issues - “if we can’t control the means of production then we’ll close it down”. NB. the US is the ‘biggest polluter in the world’ which is wholly unrelated to the fact it’s the world’s most productive economy.
Hate-speech - "shut up!".
Impartial - media, BBC: the balance achieved by attacking the Opposition for being Conservative and attacking the Government for being insufficiently Lefty.
Islamophobic - anyone who objects to having their transport blown up on the way to work.***
Justice - Government: as in ‘social justice’. Means taking money earned by the general public to give to particular groups that Lefties approve of. Replaces market economics.
NGO - Non Governmental Organisation – the repository of all moral authority in Lefty World and whose words and motives may never be questioned.
Terrorist - no such thing. Only people suffering from ‘root causes’ and ‘legitimate grievances’.
Workers - notional ‘class’ of people that Lefties once claimed to represent. Now replaced by college lecturers, human rights lawyers, pressure group employees, civil servants with 'liaise' in their job title - and other people you would probably not want over for supper.
***The author was "suspended" from his job after British Muslims complained to his employer about that one.
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