SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday the government hoped the Virginia Tech shootings, allegedly carried out by a 23-year-old South Korean native, would not "stir up racial prejudice or confrontation." [...]
Kim Min-kyung, a South Korean student at Virginia Tech reached by telephone from Seoul, said there were some 500 Koreans at the school, including Korean-Americans. She said she had never met the shooter Cho. Fearing retaliation, she said South Korean students were gathering in groups "as it could be dangerous."
I trust not. Put me down for whatever this is worth: there will be no reprisals against Koreans at Virginia Tech. Maybe they've got a cowboy vigilante image of Americans stuck in their subconsciouses. From experience, I know that Koreans tend to lump people into stereotypes, but really hate being the object of said lumpage. I am confident that this low opinion of the American students at VT will prove to be completely unfounded, and I hope the Korean students remember it.