Monday, April 09, 2007

Ranger sergeant calls Neal Boortz show

There was a searing phone call to the Neal Boortz show today. An Army Ranger sergeant called up to urge him to pressure Congress to continue the Iraq mission. The sergeant had spent 21 months in Iraq, training Iraqi forces and combatting insurgents & al-Qaeda. The man made an absolutely impassioned appeal for support. "I'm a Ranger! I do not fail!" He spelled out what's going on over there, why we're over there, as simply and powerfully as I've ever heard it. He nearly worked himself into tears, so complete was his dedication to his mission. Boortz, who has little tolerance for run-on callers, let him go on, and barely said a word. I've never heard him defer to a caller like that before.

Boortz doesn't put audio of phone calls on his website, but he does send choice calls out bi-weekly in his email feature, Boortz Blast. He said he'll send that one out, and trust me: It's worth signing up for his newsletter, even temporarily, just to hear this one. I am not affiliated with Boortz, btw--not that it'd ever really matter.

Update: Matter of fact, if you don't want to suscribe to Boortz's newsletter to hear this audio, I'd be glad to forward you my copy. Just email me with an addy, and I'll send it along when I get mine.

Update the 2nd: Here's the audio